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There is a lot more to service than what meets the eye. What act can be greater than the act of serving mankind? Krishna, even after being a prince, used to play flute for mute beings like animals. Prophet Muhammad said that feeding the poor and charity is one of the quintessential duties. Jesus Christ was known to cure ailing people and helping out the poor. Guru Gobind Singh had incorporated a way through which everyone was fed. Shri Ram ate all the cherries sabri gave him even when she was an untouchable. Florence Nightingale and Mother Teresa who were simple mortal human beings chose the same path of social service and upon this the whole of their lives were set. When Gods and great people have showed us the path then why do we shy from doing there bidding? Even though we may not realize it, but we are fulfilling a greater purpose in this world. It is said that if man wants he can move the mountains, emancipation of poverty then cannot be such an uphill task. It is also said that if man wanted he could change the world enlightening the impoverished, hence this is not as much a  counter current swim. The sense of satisfaction and happiness brought about by helping others is unmatchable. Yes we are the ones who have realized this and are striving towards a knowledge driven, economically empowered and a self independent society and we pride ourselves as Nirmaan – the creator of the nation we dream of.

We believe that it’s the fundamental right of every child to get educated and it is education alone that can bring about a social change. Apart from education, a person also needs a livelihood so that he can meet at least his basic needs. So, creation of livelihood opportunities for deserved and motivated but underprivileged unemployed is also a must so as to push the growth engine of the economy. Hence, we believe that education and livelihood opportunities are the basic necessities that any citizen must get fulfilled so that poverty which is a recurring problem doesn’t harass the society anymore. We work to provide such basic necessities to the society.

And now, we present to you Nirmaan and its various round-the-year activities in an interactive format. We are creating this blog so that there is a cohesive, comprehensible and conclusive knowledge amongst those interested on the whereabouts of our projects and a fun way to get updated with the latest news and the buzz in and around Nirmaan. It will be a dynamic blog. So you are heartily welcomed to comment on the updates, blogs or even the pictures. Any ideas, suggestion about posts or work related things can either be given through comments or if that’s too hectic, you can just mail it to .

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Sahil Katyal

Saurabh Rungta


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